About Nourish Bangladesh, in their own words
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While all of us have been impacted by COVID-19 to varying degrees, the worst collective burdens of the crisis fall on communities that lack the resources to dampen its most severe health and economic consequences. In the face of brewing humanitarian crisis in Bangladesh, we should do and give what we can to ensure people have access to a fundamental necessity of life: nourishment. I thank Nourish Bangladesh for providing a platform to do so! It is natural to wonder whether funds we donate with the best intentions actually serve to help the people and communities who need the help. I know that Professor Bhuiyan has the contextual knowledge to both understand the severity of the crisis in Bangladesh, and to direct our donations to organizations that will be most effective. I have my full faith in him and the Nourish Bangladesh team. I urge you to contribute what you can to the effort.
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
COVID-19 lures us into insular, isolationist thinking as we wonder how we can best protect ourselves and our families. Others’ needs feel more secondary, especially as those others feel further away than ever due to the suspension of most tourism and air travel, and as our hardships at home drown out concerns for hardships abroad. But we also know that those communities most at-risk and disadvantaged pre-virus, both domestically and abroad, are experiencing the impact of COVID-19 with disproportionate severity. The moral imperative to give, to reject that insularity, is stronger than ever. Not only do we know and trust the Bhuiyan family and Nourish Bangladesh, we also believe they’re uniquely positioned to direct funds to high-impact, grassroots efforts to mitigate hunger in Bangladesh. We’re excited to support them in their efforts to support Bangladeshis.
San Francisco, CA, USA
With the global pandemic of COVID-19 sweeping across the world, the ensuing hunger crises in impoverished countries like Bangladesh may not be immediately clear. But the virus is a real and persistent threat to the livelihoods of many, casting many more into poverty. I therefore felt a strong need to help my compatriots but didn’t know where to donate to. That was when I heard about Nourish Bangladesh - a fundraising group which, after I talked to some of their volunteers, I knew I could trust to direct my money to the right place. Numbers upfront about these areas may paint a picture that people in Bangladesh aren't as suffering much, but this is due to lack of infrastructure to record every valuable life, so I urge for you to donate what you can.
Surrey, United Kingdom
Nourish Bangladesh's unwavering support for the JAAGO Foundation, particularly during the trying COVID-19 pandemic, has been incredibly heartwarming. The donations of dry food to those affected by the pandemic served as a lifeline for numerous individuals in Bangladesh who were grappling with hardships and food shortages. People like Mr. Faress and organizations like Nourish Bangladesh play a pivotal role in extending a helping hand to disadvantaged communities. Their willingness to stand by the JAAGO Foundation and the broader community by providing food support is truly commendable, highlighting the strength of community engagement and solidarity, especially in times of crisis. Nourish Bangladesh's initiative to bridge the gap between those residing abroad and those in Bangladesh, to aid those in need, serves as a beautiful example of how people can unite to create a positive impact on the lives of others. Their support not only addresses immediate needs but also reflects a deep commitment to the well-being and welfare of the community. Such acts of generosity and kindness serve as a beacon of hope, reminding us of the significance of standing together during challenging times. Mr. Faress and Nourish Bangladesh's contributions are indeed a blessing to the people of Bangladesh, and their continued support is immeasurable.
Dhaka, Bangladesh
During Covid-19 pandemic, while the whole world was at a halt; Bangladesh being a third world country has felt the hit hard. With the majority of the country’s population falling in the middle and poor in the social class spectrum, coping up with such a huge world emergency was a challenge. In that time, I volunteered with Nourish Bangladesh to distribute food items in both the urban and rural areas of the country on a need basis. The marginalized communities, Ex: sex-workers, transgenders, coastal areas people were not overlooked during this time of need and was supported through providing food for them. The country’s geographical location makes it very vulnerable to natural disasters. In 2022, a massive flood left the region of Sylhet crippled. People lost their homes, access to shelter, food and proper sanitation. At times like this we were able to extend a helping hand towards these flood victims thanks to Nourish Bangladesh’s support. As a vetted volunteer I was also able to contribute in supporting the fire accident victims that took place in Shitakundo, Chattogram– which was truly a big tragedy this country faced. I am proud to be able to volunteer as a part of Nourish, and glad that I was able to do my part as a citizen and social worker during these hard times with their support.
Dhaka, Bangladesh
I have known Professor Faress Bhuiyan for a decade and during that time have witnessed his ability to deftly navigate Bangladeshi and US American contextual realities in his work and personal life, be it through taking US American students to BD on educational programs, conducting research in economic development, caring for his parents who have crossed these borders many times. He and his team are extremely well-positioned to understand the ground conditions in BD and to communicate the urgency of the needs to those of us in a position to help out. There are so many needs in our world, especially now, but the need for physical nourishment is basic and universal. If you can, I encourage you to give generously to this effort.
Northfield, MN, USA
People faced many problems due to work stoppage during the Corona period—primarily low-income. The food support provided by Nourish Bangladesh at that time was undoubtedly a blessing for the people of Bangladesh. We have seen that various Bangladeshi organizations have delivered food items to poor people's homes using the Nourish Bangladesh Fund.
Dhaka, Bangladesh
The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed from a health crisis to a global economic crisis. Millions of jobs have been lost and many more are likely to follow suit. Supply chains for essential products including food chains have been disrupted worldwide. Poor countries like Bangladesh face the greatest of impacts due to such disruption and their population face severe food insecurity. As a Bangladeshi and a development worker, I know that ensuring food availability for the poor population (which is more than 60 percent of the population) in such a period of crisis, is a massive challenge. We need multiple sources of support. That is why I am supporting Nourish Bangladesh, UK, which is channeling the aid received from the donors to organizations that are directly supporting the poor needing food. It endeavours like this, which can help to make food available to those who need the most. I wholeheartedly support this initiative by the dedicated souls. It is a noble cause fighting the severe impact on food availability, which is far from over, at least for a poor country like Bangladesh. I encourage everyone who is reading this, to extend their support to such a cause or at least share it with friends and families to make this initiative heard.
Geneva, Switzerland
Nourish Bangladesh provides a great opportunity for people living aboard and in Bangladesh to help those who are in need. I like how they give you the option to donate to registered and non registered ngos. So definitely go and check out the work they did so far and please donate as the covid situation's still really bad in Bangladesh. They need your help!
North York, ON, Canada
If there is one time that physicians are called upon to step up, it is during a public health and science crisis. However when it comes to pandemicis we know that individuals working alone is not sufficient. A public health crisis needs to involve the whole public working in concert to minimize suffering and deliver care to the greatest number. While medicine and vaccines are important, the first thing people need is food and shelter, followed by adequate sanitation. Clean water, public sanitation, sewers, has historically saved more lives then anything else. So donate to first fed and shelter those in need then support public health efforts along with education about these important issues. It will not only help those in Bangladesh, it also will make you healthier and happier. Doing good is good for your health. So be selfish and donate.
Boise, ID, USA
I gave to Nourish Bangladesh because my donation not only helps meet the humanitarian needs of the people of Bangladesh, but also supports an amazing mission. Nourish Bangladesh is not an NGO; it focuses on fundraising and vetting. Through years of experience, first-hand knowledge, and a background in development economics, Nourish Bangladesh is uniquely qualified to direct needed funds to NGOs and grassroots volunteer organizations. I saw this firsthand as a Carleton student participating Professor Bhuiyan’s Microeconomic Development Seminar in Bangladesh. In order to utilize funds to tackle humanitarian crises, it is necessary to 1) make connections with the community, NGOs, government, and other key stakeholders; 2) understand the needs of the community and the socio-economic factors at play; and 3) understand the work being performed by NGOs/volunteers. Nourish Bangladesh developed these needed competencies over years of visits to Bangladesh, building relationships with communities and stakeholders, performing site visits of NGOs, and analyzing development economics research on Bangladesh and countries around the world. I was elated to hear Professor Bhuiyan planned to leverage his platform to put the classroom into action! I urge you to support Nourish Bangladesh any way you can. Your support will make a life changing impact for those most in need!
St. Paul, MN, USA