Donate your birthday on Facebook

Donate your birthday to Nourish Bangladesh!
Your birthday offers a wonderful opportunity to fundraise for Nourish Bangladesh using your Facebook account. It is a simple and easy process as described below and should require no more than a few minutes to set up. We also highly recommend that you complete the brief donate your birthday form so that we can send you a reminder email close to your birthday. Here's how to fundraise for Nourish Bangladesh using your facebook account:
STEP 1: Log into your Facebook account and click "fundraiser" on the left-hand side of your screen.
STEP 2: Click "raise money for a nonprofit," then type in "Nourish Bangladesh" and hit select.
STEP 3: You'll notice that we've already filled in some language for your fundraiser! All you need to do is set your fundraising goal and time-frame. We recommend about a week for the timeline. We've seen many successful fundraisers with starting goals at $200, $500, or even $1,000 (or more)! Set something that you feel good about and see where it goes. You can always raise the goal later.
STEP 4: Don't forget to title your fundraiser! Something like "[NAME]’s Birthday Fundraiser for Nourish Bangladesh" will do. When you're ready, click "create"!
If you have any question please contact us at